Friday, 28 October 2011

Production of Double page spread

For this I decided to type all my text out into the columns and then drag them so they where arranged neatly. Quark was hard to make the text move onto the next column because there were a few steps to do so and it had to make sure that the text was still in the guidelines. I also added a caption to the image describing it. The title was on the top of the left and included the same colour as the colour of the girl on the images top. To edit the title I had to edit the width between the letters and I also edited the space between each line of text. It was quite easy to edit this because it was simply clicking buttons at the bottom of the page. However It was a lot of concentration trying to get them all to the same widths etc.
The stand first is above the text so the audience would read it before reading the actual article.

I then decided to move the caption down to the bottom where there was less text and so that it didnt look like too much writing next to the title of the article. the by line is also at the bottom right. The standfirst was edited by removing and changing certain words so that it was not too much to read. To edit the standfirst on quark I had to make sure I did not write too much as it would go over the guidelines and then I would have to edit the text which would then need to be edited further so it would fit into the columns.

I then decided to add a black background behind the title so that it stood out  against the picture. To add the black box it was very straight forward as I just had to make a shape box and make the background black. However getting it to the right size was hard because I had to make sure it did not cover the image. The layout of the text has also been changed so that some letters are closer together than others. Also 'lights up' has been changed to yellow instead of just 'the apollo'. I have also included a drop quote in the middle of the article and changed the drop capital so that it was professional and not just a big letter. To include the drop quote I had to shorten the actual text so that there would be space to do so. To add the drop capital was easy because it was just the tick of a button.

I have split my text into paragraphs so that it wasn't too much text to read in one go. And also indented the paragraphs.Indenting the paragraphs was hard on quark because you had to highlight all text and specifically do it each paragaph seperately. I decided to get rid of the photo caption because it was not needed. The photo was bled onto the start of the page with text on so that it didn't look as straight and block like.I have removed some of the text that is not needed and also included the by line in the stand first.
I decided to make the text more left aligned than centre. I also had added more text and made the sure the texts ended in all the same places. Text has also been made smaller. Quark was hard to do such small changes such as the text boxes moving on the the next column was difficult because it would change the spaces of the text and words would not look the same when they went onto the next line. 

This is my final version of my DPS. On the past DPS The black box underneath the title was on top of the photograph and as the photo was not in the right position the black box started to cover the images head. So I decided to move the title off of the photograph completely and have one page specifically for the photograph also removing the photo caption but making sure it was still bled onto the other page. The black box then went onto the next page with the title on the top of it above the standfirst. I also included the by line in the standfirst. I had to move the text down and as it all did not fit anymore some of the text had to be removed and the article had to be shortened. The drop quote was also removed. 

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